Friends, these are the people who you spend your time with. Most of them cheer you up in all sorts of ways. When you are depressed, they are the ones who put the smile back on your face. Friends often bring out the best in you. They are with you in competition, both of you brings out the best of each other, you bring out the best in one another.
Most of the time we make wrong decisions by choosing the wrong friends. Choosing the wrong friends will get you involve in the wrong competition. You'll be trying to be the best in something that is useless, unworthy, and foolish. "The voice that you believe will determine the future you experience", said by Pastor Steven Furtick. Thats why it's very important to surround yourself with the right voices, for it will determine the future that you'll reap.
In college, it's important to surround yourself with the right voices. Because one mistake can bring your whole life into a stumbling block. Choose your friends carefully, they are the ones who holds your future.