Monday, July 20, 2015

7 - F.R.I.E.N.D.S

Friends, these are the people who you spend your time with. Most of them cheer you up in all sorts of ways. When you are depressed, they are the ones who put the smile back on your face. Friends often bring out the best in you. They are with you in competition, both of you brings out the best of each other, you bring out the best in one another.

Most of the time we make wrong decisions by choosing the wrong friends. Choosing the wrong friends will get you involve in the wrong competition. You'll be trying to be the best in something that is useless, unworthy, and foolish. "The voice that you believe will determine the future you experience", said by Pastor Steven Furtick. Thats why it's very important to surround yourself with the right voices, for it will determine the future that you'll reap.

In college, it's important to surround yourself with the right voices. Because one mistake can bring your whole life into a stumbling block. Choose your friends carefully, they are the ones who holds your future.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

6 - Using A Portable Device For College

In college portable devices are very helpful to the students. You can take and read your notes anytime, anywhere. imagine that you have an upcoming exam next week, assuming that you put all your notes on your device, you can easily review your subject in just a tap. With that thing on the palm of your hands, you can easily review while lying down on your bed, when you're on the road going back home, and even when you're with friends.

When you hold a portable device, you should be responsible with it. Sure it's easy to take/read notes but it doesn't mean that you should use it to copy your friend's homework. Always remember that a good tool can always turn into a bad tool, which will lead you into a lot of disadvantages in college and in life. You should also be responsible in keeping your privacy, remember that details of your life is in that device, do not just let anyone take a look at it.

Whichever portable device you're holding, whether be Apple, or whether be Samsung, Its functionality will only depend how the user uses it. Use your device wisely and be proud of it.

5 - Fast-Food, Fast-Life

Fast-Food's are actually great, because their preparation of your food is fast, and the price is cheaper compare to the other high class restaurants

The disadvantage though, is that the food they prepare are unhealthy, for the reason that most of the preservatives of those food are cancerous. I've heard some stories 2 years ago about some people that had cancer for the reason that they have a habit of eating at fast-food's instead of eating at home.

However, most lower class people, have no choice but to eat at those fast-food's in order for them to save and survive the day. Students especially are forced to eat at those fast-food's if they didn't get a chance to take away some food at home. I hope that one day, restaurants will serve healthier, cheaper, and better food's to the people. "Because good health comes with better work functionality."

4 - The "er's"

The society is all about competition, everyone wants to be the best. If you think about it, all of our lives is all about the "er's;" who is bett-er, smart-er, fast-er,..etc. Its all about "Competition."

Knowing how the society thinks, what if it's the weak who is actually the strongest, and the dumb is actually the smartest, and the slow is actually the fastest? People today often underestimate people, and judge them before they can even prove themselves. Just because we don't understand them, and their ways it doesn't mean that you are better than them.

The problem with most people today is that they look up too much who is "er" than them. For the fact that they're so focused on others, that they forgot their very own abilities. Actually "it's not about what you can do, it's about who you're with."