Thursday, July 9, 2015

4 - The "er's"

The society is all about competition, everyone wants to be the best. If you think about it, all of our lives is all about the "er's;" who is bett-er, smart-er, fast-er,..etc. Its all about "Competition."

Knowing how the society thinks, what if it's the weak who is actually the strongest, and the dumb is actually the smartest, and the slow is actually the fastest? People today often underestimate people, and judge them before they can even prove themselves. Just because we don't understand them, and their ways it doesn't mean that you are better than them.

The problem with most people today is that they look up too much who is "er" than them. For the fact that they're so focused on others, that they forgot their very own abilities. Actually "it's not about what you can do, it's about who you're with."

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