Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Comments Complete

I made a comment on the following people

1. Samantha Munar
2. Jade Adriano
3. Vincent Huliganga
4. Justin Parado
5. Dartegnian Velarde
6. Justin Besmano
7. Katelyn Calma
8. Joshua Morales
9. Julius Claveria
10. Martha Salamat
11. Gonzalo Miguel
12. John Bautista
13. Jordan Fernandez
14.   Kaila Roguel
15.   Kyla Julian

Sunday, August 23, 2015

15 - Xbox One is better than PS4

There is a huge debate this year 2015. A lot of people/gamers say that Xbox is better than PS4 or vice versa differing how each is better than the other.

My side though Xbox One is better than PS4, because Xbox has more features than the PS4. Xbox One had improved it's kinect feature. It's now more reliable and better in quality; it now supports more of the operating system. Xbox One also has improved it's controller, making it more ergo and stronger in structure. The new add-on on the Xbox One is it's multitasking feature, where you can do several things with the Xbox One, for example you can watch TV while playing a game.

The good thing on the PS4 though is that it focused more on the graphic design. The quality of the game is actually better than the Xbox One. It can run games with the quality of 1080p while Xbox One can only run it with 720p. The only new add-on that the Ps4 added other than the improvements in the operating system is it's controller. It's controller is now wider and wireless, and it's now has a light indicator to know if you're controller is connected to the PS4

Both sides has something that the other doesn't. but for me Xbox One is the best console ever created. Let me know what you think on the comments below. 

14 - Brother Ira

i would like to share to you folks the story of Brother Ira. I got this story from my school, School of Tomorrow. 

Brother Ira:
Twas a stylish congregation; why, you could see they'd been around. They had the biggest pipe organ of any church in town. And over in the corner sat old Brother Ira, who insisted every Sunday on singing in the choir. The choir stormed and blustered, for Brother Ira sang too slow and he used the tunes in vogue a hundred years ago. At last the storm cloud burst, and the church was told in vine that Brother Ira must stop his singing or the choir was going to resign.

So, the Pastor called into the vestry room some influential members, (who subscribed more than they paid). And after asking God's guidance in a printed prayer or two, they put their heads together to decide just what to do. They thought and debated and suggested, until at last dear Brother York, (who made a million in the sudden rise of pork), rose and moved that a committee wait at once on Brother Ira and proceed to rake him widely for messing up the choir.

So, one afternoon at four, three men in stylish carriage rode up to Ira's door. They found the choir's trouble sitting there in an old armchair --the summers golden sunbeam lay upon his snow white hair. He was singing "Rock of Ages" in a voice soft and low. The angels understood him; that’s all he cared to know.

Said York, “Were here, dear Brother, with the vester's accusations, to discuss a little matter that upsets the congregation. Now we don’t want any singing except for what we brought. The newest tunes are all arranged, the old ones stand for naught. So we've decided, are you listening Brother Ira? You must stop your singing; you're messing up our choir!”

The old man raised his head, a sign that he did hear, and on his cheek three men caught, a glitter of a tear. His feeble hand pushed back the locks as white as silky snow and he answered the committee in a voice soft and low. “I have sung the songs of David, nearly eighty years” said he. “They've been my staff and comfort, all along life’s dreary way. I’m sorry if I've disturbed the choir; I guess I was doing wrong. But when my heart is filled with praise, I can’t keep back a song. I wonder if beyond the tide, that’s breaking at my feet, in that far off heavenly mansion, where my master I shall meet. I wonder if I tried to sing the songs of God up higher. I wonder if they will church me, for singing in heavens choir.”

Silence filled the room, the old man bowed his head. The carriage rattled back to town, but Brother Ira, was dead. Oh, the choir missed him for awhile, but soon he was forgotten. A few church members watched the door, but the old man entered not. And far away his voice is sweet, where he sings his heart’s desire. Where there are no church committees, and no fashionable choirs.

I enjoyed this story so much that i was chosen to tell it in front of a lot of people in High school. What do you think about it. Let me know in the comments below.

13 - Modern Christian Music

Modern Christian music is not like any hymns, they are music that follows the melody and beat of popular music in the industry. Hillsong releases modern Christian music, which is patterned to the melody of other popular bands, for example: One Direction, Nirvana & Maroon 5. Modern Christian music may be played in Evangelical churches because most people enjoy modern types of music rather than hymnals. Also the Evangelical Churches can grow more in numbers through playing modern Christian music, and lastly modern Christian Music provides meaningful lyrics that the people can easily understand.

          Playing modern Christian music in Evangelical churches lightens up the mood of the people. Because the people/church members enjoys the other worldly music they listen to at home; If their church is playing music that are similar to the melody of the one they often listen to, then they tend to connect to the melody of the music that the church plays. That’s why most people/church members enjoy modern types of Christian music played in their evangelical church.

            Through the types of music that the church plays, they can either gain or lose people coming to their church. According to studies by Pastor George Sachiko, most churches in the United States that plays modern Christian music has more members compared to the churches the only plays hymns. When I was church-hopping a few years ago, I noticed the same thing – that the churches that plays modern Christian music has more members rather than the churches the only plays hymns.

            Finally, when I tried listening to both modern Christian music and hymns, I noticed that not only the hymns are meaningful but also the modern Christina music. Most hymns are composed of lyrics derived from Old English that are quite difficult to understand by most people. While modern Christian music provides the same meaning as the hymns, but only they use words that are commonly used by the people nowadays. That’s why modern Christian music are easily understood by church members in Evangelical Churches.

            Now in all that have been written here; nothing is wrong in playing modern Christian music in Evangelical churches. It actually brings more good than harm. In conclusion, Modern Christian music should also be played in Evangelical churches. 

12 - Poverty in the Philippines

                Poverty in the Philippines is a serious issue. Although it’s more fun in the Philippines, poverty became a serious issue because of the corruption of the government, the people lacking discipline and the high cost of living in the country. These are actually the root causes of poverty in the Philippines.


First, Corruption of the Government. Did you know that not all your taxes are being used for the Philippines? Most of it goes to personal use of governments. The Philippines is actually a rich country if only the taxes goes to the Philippines, imagine the salary of the employees, the products, the public transportation and businesses are all taxed by the government. And we have around 156,789 businesses/companies being run in Manila, according to the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). We are actually being taxed by the government multiple times already and all of these goes to the pockets of the government while the economy of the Philippines suffers, because of the corruption of the government.

                Secondly, we have undisciplined people, who do not know how to follow a simple rule. The Filipinos have the habit of throwing their garbage wherever they feel like throwing it, even though there’s a clear sign that says “no littering.” Despite of their undisciplined action, they still find a way to blame the government for the poor hygiene in the Philippines, even though they provided trash cans on the streets and houses. Because of undisciplined Filipinos, most of them are uneducated. Uneducated people doesn’t help the economy in the Philippines, they actually bring it down, because they don’t have a proper job, they receive minimum wage and they are low on ethics. Those factors are enough to contribute for the rise in poverty in the Philippines.

Lastly, the high cost of living is one of the main root causes of poverty in the Philippines. The prices of foods and utilities we need for daily living are higher than the minimum wage offered to the employees, which is P14,430. Because of that, there are lots of poor citizens in the Philippines. In order for a citizen to live an average life, you need to have an income of at least P55,428 a month. Few employees only make that amount of income, that’s why the high cost of living In the Philippines is one of the factors of poverty. (Incomes are based on the PSA)

Those three factors: corruption in the government, undisciplined people, and high cost of living are the reasons why poverty in the Philippines is a serious issue. Damage is done, families broken, employees fired, but it’s not too late the change. The change starts with you.

11 - Being Filipino

Am I proud to be a Filipino? Am I even worth it to be called a Filipino? These are the questions I faced these past few weeks. I find it difficult to answer these questions, for the reason that I’m not a very nationalistic person. For some reason I can’t find the passion in me to die for the Philippines just like our Philippine hero Jose Rizal had. It’s difficult for me to recognize and appreciate the characteristics of a Filipino, because I didn’t grew up here in the Philippines in the first place; I’ve been mostly surrounded by foreign people most of the time.
Now am I proud to be a Filipino? Yes, despite of the corruption in the Philippines, I still take pride in the creativity and accomplishments of Filipino’s. For example Agapito Flores invented the fluorescent light bulb, the tasty Filipino dish that surprisingly went international, and of course our ACE in boxing Manny Pacquiao. These are the things I take pride of. Although I must admit that without the complications the Philippine is facing. We wouldn’t be as perseverant, hardworking and creative as we are now. Filipino’s are known for these characteristics, especially in abroad. Some company’s prefer Filipino’s rather than other nationalities, because of our in-born characteristics.
These past few years I’ve learned that, you don’t have to grow-up in the Philippines in order to be worth it to be called a Filipino. As long as your blood is Filipino, those characteristics that I’ve mentioned earlier (Perseverant, hardworking, & creative) are already in you, since birth.
Now, am I worth it to be called a Filipino? Yes, because to persevere, to work hard, and to be creative are in my blood. I believe no one is exempted from these traits not even you. With these I believe Philippines will flourish if we only use these traits to help our country. I am Andrey buzon, a proud Filipino. Thank you and God Bless.

10 - APC’s Anti-Smoking Campaign (Non-Smoker’s Perspective)

Smoking is bad for your health… the most common words that a smoker always hear from other people. Seriously, people should stop smoking!!! It doesn’t just affect you, it also affects the people around you. 2nd hand smoke is more damaging to the human body than the 1st hand smoke. 

According to the myhealth.alberta.ca smoke can be put into three categories:

     First-hand smoke – which is inhaled by the smoker. 

     Second-hand smoke – which is the smoke either exhaled by a smoker or released from the end of a burning cigarette. 

     Third-hand smoke – which is the tobacco smoke residue and gases that are left after a cigarette has been smoked."

All those three categories are dangerous and can cause death to you, or to the person who inhaled the smokes you produced.

I'm proud that APC put an  Anti-Smoking Campaign, they not only save millions of lives, but also the lives of the future generation. Now its your decision whether you cooperate or not cooperate in this Campaign.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

9 - Hero Superhero

Hero, the first thing that comes to my mind every time I hear the word hero -- is someone who sacrifices his time, effort, and himself for the sake of other people. Through the sacrifices of that hero, the people can now enjoy their time, their effort (the things they do), and their selves (their freedom). One has to lose something for many to gain – Is the first thing that comes to my mind every time I hear the word hero.

A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles,” according to Christopher Reeve. I believe a true hero will stand on what something he believe is right and let nothing hold him back, even if the cost of that stand is his life.

A more general standpoint of a hero is given by Debi Mazar – “A hero is somebody who is selfless, who is generous in spirit, who just tries to give back as much as possible and help people, also a hero is someone who saves people and who really deeply cares.” I believe the key word here is “someone who cares” therefore we can assume that everyone can be a hero.

The cost of a hero is more than you can imagine. As said by Bob Riley – “Hard times don’t create heroes. It is during the hard times when the ‘hero within us’ is revealed.” Everyone can be a hero but not everyone have what it takes to be a hero, because most people give up before they even get started.

Borrowing the words from Christopher Reeve again, he stated that “What makes Superman a hero is not that he has power, but that he has the wisdom and maturity to use the power wisely.” From that stand we can assume that everyone has the ability to be a hero. The only thing is they aren’t using that ability/power wisely. They use it for something worthless. Your time (commitment), your effort (courage), and yourself (stand) is all you need to be a hero. Use those things to help, inspire, and encourage people, and you have what it takes to be a hero.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


The Opening Ceremony was the best part of the SOCSIT week for me. because due to my busy schedule, time forbade me to attend the SOCSIT events. Except for the Opening Ceremony.

Friends, Close Friends, Best Friends, gathering in one place,shouting, dancing, and pushing just to express the attitude of their blocks. When I was there I saw the different kinds of blocks, and there I knew how blessed am I that my block is SS151.

After we gathered, the event started, the national anthem was sang by these proud APCIANS, an encouraging speech was given, and above all the parade started with proud students, representing their block. Nothing like this ever happened before, and maybe another year must wait for this to happen again.

Monday, July 20, 2015

7 - F.R.I.E.N.D.S

Friends, these are the people who you spend your time with. Most of them cheer you up in all sorts of ways. When you are depressed, they are the ones who put the smile back on your face. Friends often bring out the best in you. They are with you in competition, both of you brings out the best of each other, you bring out the best in one another.

Most of the time we make wrong decisions by choosing the wrong friends. Choosing the wrong friends will get you involve in the wrong competition. You'll be trying to be the best in something that is useless, unworthy, and foolish. "The voice that you believe will determine the future you experience", said by Pastor Steven Furtick. Thats why it's very important to surround yourself with the right voices, for it will determine the future that you'll reap.

In college, it's important to surround yourself with the right voices. Because one mistake can bring your whole life into a stumbling block. Choose your friends carefully, they are the ones who holds your future.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

6 - Using A Portable Device For College

In college portable devices are very helpful to the students. You can take and read your notes anytime, anywhere. imagine that you have an upcoming exam next week, assuming that you put all your notes on your device, you can easily review your subject in just a tap. With that thing on the palm of your hands, you can easily review while lying down on your bed, when you're on the road going back home, and even when you're with friends.

When you hold a portable device, you should be responsible with it. Sure it's easy to take/read notes but it doesn't mean that you should use it to copy your friend's homework. Always remember that a good tool can always turn into a bad tool, which will lead you into a lot of disadvantages in college and in life. You should also be responsible in keeping your privacy, remember that details of your life is in that device, do not just let anyone take a look at it.

Whichever portable device you're holding, whether be Apple, or whether be Samsung, Its functionality will only depend how the user uses it. Use your device wisely and be proud of it.

5 - Fast-Food, Fast-Life

Fast-Food's are actually great, because their preparation of your food is fast, and the price is cheaper compare to the other high class restaurants

The disadvantage though, is that the food they prepare are unhealthy, for the reason that most of the preservatives of those food are cancerous. I've heard some stories 2 years ago about some people that had cancer for the reason that they have a habit of eating at fast-food's instead of eating at home.

However, most lower class people, have no choice but to eat at those fast-food's in order for them to save and survive the day. Students especially are forced to eat at those fast-food's if they didn't get a chance to take away some food at home. I hope that one day, restaurants will serve healthier, cheaper, and better food's to the people. "Because good health comes with better work functionality."

4 - The "er's"

The society is all about competition, everyone wants to be the best. If you think about it, all of our lives is all about the "er's;" who is bett-er, smart-er, fast-er,..etc. Its all about "Competition."

Knowing how the society thinks, what if it's the weak who is actually the strongest, and the dumb is actually the smartest, and the slow is actually the fastest? People today often underestimate people, and judge them before they can even prove themselves. Just because we don't understand them, and their ways it doesn't mean that you are better than them.

The problem with most people today is that they look up too much who is "er" than them. For the fact that they're so focused on others, that they forgot their very own abilities. Actually "it's not about what you can do, it's about who you're with."

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

3 -Internet Things (IT)

What is internet? As stated on Wikipedia, the Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks around the world. Internet in 1990s made a huge difference in humanity, to the fact that multimedia became available in that same year. Anyways Internet has 3 services, World Wide Web, Communication, and  Data Transfer. 
World Wide Web, according to the Wikipedia again,is the global set of documentsimages and other resources, logically interrelated by hyperlinks and referenced with Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) Programs such as, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozila Firefox...etc, is a World Wide Web function.

Communication: Nowadays, internet is commonly used for this around the world. Email, is very important in the industry, because this is how company's communicate with each other. Programs such as, Skype, OOVOO, Yahoo Messenger..etc uses internet for people to connect with each other virtually. 

Data Transfer: Cloud is the latest technology we have, it gives people the ability to store their files on the internet. Their memories, their pictures, and their important work documents, all in the cloud. Data Transfer is probably the most important service the internet ever offered to the society. Programs such as, ICloud, Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive....etc are Data Transfer related services of the internet.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

2 - Bahrain War Experience

February 14, 2011 this is the day when everything about I know about Bahrain changed. Wars and rumors of wars started in every region in Bahrain. Road blocks from the protesters, and tanks and soldiers where sent to Bahrain from Saudi Arabia.

Imagine, waking up to the sound of an explosion only to find out that your house are being surrounded by hundreds of rebels and peacekeepers, throwing molotovs and firing tear gases at each other in front of your house. This is my life in Bahrain. For a 13 year old like me to see those rebels and peacekeepers shooting at each other is pretty interesting and terrifying at the same time.

It's interesting to me because, as a 13 year old i was able to experience those adventures in the safe zone, which is basically inside my home. The terrifying thing though is every time we go to the malls or parties we can't get back to our house safely, for the reason that we have to go through several police checkpoints and protester's barricades. Not all barricades are harmless you see, some barricades explodes after a minute or so. If my memory serves me correct, more than 10 peacekeepers already died in our area because of those exploding barricades in our streets. It is more terrifying though, when there are no barricades or checkpoints, because one time we didn't go through any that, but when are about to reach our home, a group of peacekeepers suddenly showed up out of nowhere, and surrounded our car and started firing at the protesters 30 meters from our car.

Now because of that, usually it takes us more than 2 hrs or so to find an alternate route going back to our house. In some cases we take the risk of moving the barricades as quickly as possible. Not only that it has the risk of exploding, but also the risk that if the rebels or the peacekeepers saw us moving those barricades, they will shoot at us relentlessly. Another thing is, most peacekeepers in our area are trigger happy, so they just fire their huge guns whenever, wherever they want. Pretty terrifying right?

When i turned 15 years old, i can't get over the fact that those firings, roadblocks, and peacekeepers doesn't terrify us anymore, it doesn't terrify me anymore, sometimes it even excites me to see those things. It became part of our daily lives. So like whenever i join a party or any events of my friends, i would just take the risk of hitching with random people, in order for me to get home safely. Now because of that i made friends with random people easily. One thing i like about Bahrain is, most people there are very friendly and hospitable. They care for one another even if you're a stranger. It really doesn't matter who you are, they just care for one another. (here is a picture of a protester, helping another protester, who suffered from too much exposure to tear gas.)

Even though there are wars in our area, we still find the compassion to help one another, we build up each other just like that. One thing i realized during my stay there was that, throughout those chaos there and there will always be peace somewhere in the area. That's the same thing i learned in life too, throughout the struggles i went through, throughout the storms im going through, and throughout the giants I'm about to go through, there and there will always be peace somewhere in the area. Now i would like to end with this quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson.


Friday, June 12, 2015


        Freedom! What is freedom? According to the dictionary, freedom is the state of being free. Each of us human beings, whom God created has freedom; freedom to choose, freedom to worship, and freedom to go anywhere we like. Just one of these, taken away from the people, it will start a revolution, this is when people will keep fighting until they breathe their last just to get their freedom back. Bob Marley, one of the most legendary singers of all time said "Better to die fighting for freedom then be a prisoner all the days of your life."

          People fight for freedom, people long for freedom people want freedom. Alex Jones, an American conspiracy theorist, quoted that "Freedom grows out from the barrel of a gun." They are willing to kill just to get their freedom back. Jose Rizal, the Philippine hero, spoke the cries of the Filipinos against the Spaniards, during the Spanish era to set the Filipinos free, free from the harsh treatment of the Spaniards. But what kind of freedom are they all really looking for, what are they really longing for? True freedom that is, true freedom. Jesus came into this world to set us all free, to set you free. Free from what? Free from the bondage of sin. You see the bondage of sin, ensnares us, it keeps us from enjoying the life God has given us. God wants to set us all free, He wants to set you free so he gave us the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:17 states that "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Freedom"

        YES!!! We can have the freedom to have the conviction to do what is right from wrong. Freedom to have the peace that passeth all understanding even in the midst of a challenging situation. Malcolm X, a human rights activist quoted that

          Yes! we can have this freedom, freedom that can't be taken away. Do you want freedom, do you want this kind of freedom? Follow Jesus and you will have this freedom, because Jesus is the truth and the "Truth shall set you free!!" This is "True Freedom"